Home Loan Calculators

How much can I borrow?
By using a Mortgage Store broker, we may be able to use our strong relationship with lenders to help you get the maximum amount for your loan.
What are my repayments?
For an estimation on how much your repayments might be, contact a Mortgage Store broker using the form below.

What loan is best for me?
Before you start looking in the Saturday papers for your dream house or apartment, the first thing you should do is decide if being a home owner makes financial sense for you. With owning property comes responsibility and with a mortgage comes financial commitment lasting many years.
Contact me about a home loan:
*First Name:
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Please enter your Surname.
Please enter your email address.

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Please enter your phone number.
*Loan Amount:
Please enter a loan amount.
Please tick.
I understand that all information given is private and will not be shared.

Low Doc Home Loans
Home Loans for the Self-employed.
Full Doc Loans
Loans based on income and employment.
Fixed Loans
Locking into a fixed payment makes budgeting easier.
No Deposit Home Loans
100% home loans with no deposit.
Refinance Mortgage
Get a better deal on your home loan.
Variable Loans
Offers the flexibility of making extra repayments.
Home Equity Loan
A line of credit that works like an ordinary credit card.
Line of Credit
Finance your home, business and lifestyle.