Getting a Home Loan can be a daunting process and with all loans having complicated rules, regulations and qualification, your work really is cut out.
That's where a Mortgage Store, mortgage broker can help. You may think that most mortgage brokers seem exactly alike; promising to get you the most money, the best rates, the lowest payments and access to hundreds of loans. You might look at the Mortgage Store and see just another broker, full of empty promises, but we believe we're different from the inside out.
At the Mortgage Store, we're guided by a set of long-standing principles. We work for the individual home owner, not the bank. We promote proven, stable and financially sound home loan options instead of the latest home loan fads. And, while we share information on our web site, we believe it's more important to provide personalized attention and build one on one relationships between home owners, like you, and the well-trained, professional brokers who will be working to help make their dreams become a reality.
Our Core Based Principles
We are focused on one client – the home owner. All aspects of our business from the availability of our brokers to the home loans and services we offer are designed to help us understand and meet the unique needs that each different home owner has; whether you are buying a new home, renovating an old one, or something completely different, the Mortgage Store is dedicated to finding the best solution for your situation.
Everyone's been to a bank at least once and been told that because they don't have any money they can't borrow any money. Here at the Mortgage Store we understand that everyone needs to start somewhere, and we welcome the opportunity to help anyone with a new beginning.
We are committed to a philosophy that emphasizes quality and personalization. We make every effort to match each homeowner with a product or service that meets their particular needs. We believe in the importance of ensuring that you are comfortable and happy with the terms of your individual loan.
Why We Ignore Fads in Home Lending
Ignoring fads in Home Loans is something that we believe in at the Mortgage Store. Our strategy is to opt for the most stable and reliable choices to help make sure that our clients are protected financially for the duration of their loan. We realize this isn't foolproof – nothing is when it comes to interest rates. Selecting time-tested and proven home loan options provides a measure of security not found amongst the fads.
Home Loans We Don't Offer
As a Mortgage Brokerage, you might think we're ready to set you up with any convenient loan or credit line. That's where the Mortgage Store difference comes in. We believe financial security is about more than home loan types; it's about well-informed choices and long-term planning. And frankly, some types of home loan products out there just don't fit our philosophy.
Home Loans That Aren't For You
We believe in spending a lot of time with our clients so we know and understand their needs. If we don't feel that a particular type of home loan is in line with your specific goals, we won't recommend it, even if doing so would earn us the highest broker commissions. We realize this type of brokering isn't for everyone, but we're not afraid of seeming unfashionable if it means helping you succeed.
It all comes down to what your business is about. Most mortgage brokers are about the home loan products. The Mortgage Store is about the people who need the home loan products. Our complete dedication to making sure you, the homeowner, are provided with a product that is the best for you is what makes us different.